Ready to CRAFT your “joy-filled” life?

Hello Bestie!

You’re leaving money on the table when it should be in your bank account.

Transform your creative business today by making more money doing what you love …while you sleep!

There’s a better way…

You absolutely love creating…like REALLY love creating! It brings you sheer joy! You wish that you can just do what you love full time. The thing is, doing what you love, doesn’t afford you the income to quit your 9-5 grind.

What if I told you that there’s a better way?

What if you could transform your current creative side business into a thriving, sustainable, and profitable business that generates substantial income while you sleep enabling you to have extra income, options, freedom, and if you choose …RETIRE EARLY!


I’m Ketia, the Crafty Soul Sista

I help women who own a creative, artistic, or craft business develop new and unique ways to make more money so that they can create a life that brings them joy…and FREEDOM!

I’m reading your mind Bestie…

You’re wondering how does she pronounce her name… It’s pronounced, get ready,  “key-sha”! 

I have a story, rather lengthy, so I’ll share the short and simple version. Crafting saved my life! I’m serious…it literally did! 

I’m the owner of God’s Girl Studio, an online craft and printables business. I also work a full-time job, teaching amazing students at our local community college and I love doing that also! The thing is I know that there will come a time (in the near future) where I’ll have to make a choice…stay stuck working for someone else or experience FREEDOM living life on my own terms! 

I’ve been working on an exit plan (for years) and mastered how to take my craft business to the next level…actually to a 6 figure business! 

I learned how to create passive income in my craft business while I sleep and I’m sharing EVERYTHING with you!

I sincerely believe that there’s more than enough, unlimited abundance, for all of us! God is super generous and has supplied everything we need, want, and desire.

I’d love to help you take your side business from an expensive hobby to a thriving business so that you can live an amazing “joy-filled” life doing what you love and “make the money that you deserve”!

Click the link below if you know that there’s MORE for you, your family, and your business…it’s my FREE gift to you!

What I Do

Magnetic Power Sessions

This is a 90-minute one-to-one session designed to help you become crystal clear on the direction of your creative business. I help you create a step-by-step roadmap and strategy to build your business and life exactly how you desire it to be. In addition, I share how to add more income streams in your business: passive income, semi-passive income, and higher revenue products and services.

Live Workshops

Do you need help with time management, video editing, photographing your beautiful products, business finances, email marketing, social media, branding, pricing of your products, setting up an online storefront, affiliate marketing, and using design software? In our LIVE workshops, I show you exactly how to master these topics so that you feel confident to take your business to the next level.


Online Courses

Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you choose! Our online courses are designed in an easy and straightforward way so that you can successfully complete and implement what you’ve learned in your thriving business. In addition, you will receive additional support and resources from the amazing members of our God’s Girl Studio Community!

Simple Strategies…

AWESOME results!

"Before enrolling in Ketia's Money Magnet Challenge, I was struggling with the fact that I too can be financially wealthy. I now know that this can happen for ME if I believe and trust God! I am no longer comfortable being comfortable! I will continue to abide by the teaching that Ketia shared with us!"


"I see so many possibilities! I no longer focus on the challenges of life but victories! I am confident in pursuing my dreams using my gifts to create the life and business that I love! Ketia's coaching is authentic, transforming, and purpose-driven! ."


As a result of working with Ketia, I no longer have to chase money anymore. God has blessed me with a rental property to help others and myself. I love giving because I always get it back doubled. God blesses a cheerful Giver! Thanks Ketia!


 Stay in the KNOW with what's happening in the STUDIO!


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