About Me

I’m Ketia, the Crafty Soul Sista! 

Hello Bestie!  

Let’s DREAM together…

CREATE a life that we absolutely LOVE…and

INSPIRE others to do the same! 

Let me introduce myself…

I’m Ketia (pronounced key-sha) and I help creative, smart, sassy, and crafty women start, build, or scale a profitable and joy-filled business while working a full-time job using their God-given talents…without feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and confused about what to do next!

It’s my heart’s desire to help you create a business that you absolutely love, earn extra income on autopilot, and if you choose…Retire EARLY!

My ultimate goal is to become a multi-millionaire so that I can be a blessing to my family and friends, help others reach their goals, and help finance the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Where do I begin.. let’s start with my story 

I know how you feel…I’ve been there…been through some tough times. Remember, I said that crafting saved my life! 

It was during that period of my life, I realized that nothing was promised, not the next minute, year, retirement, job stability…nothing! 

I asked God to order my steps…

I knew that I didn’t want to work for someone else for the rest of my life.

Like you, I knew that I was created for more but just didn’t know where or how to begin.

 Now, I’m a woman in my mid 50’s…how do I begin to build a business from my hobby? Can I actually make money crafting? Will people love my creations just as much as I love making them?

Questions! More questions! 

I had procrastinated long enough…

fear of failure, my age, my lack of knowledge regarding the “tech” stuff kept me stuck far too long.

 I took the leap, hired business coaches, applied for my business license, and launched my custom craft business, God’s Girl Studio! 

I learned valuable lessons along the way about building a business but most importantly, scaling a business. All of which  I want to share with my Biz Besties! 

If I can do it…so can YOU! 

Trust and believe that all things are possible…because they surely are!

Got Questions? Need more info?

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